Using Strength Training To Lose Weight: What You Should Know

Strength training is a way of working out using your body's resistance, hand weights, or using exercise bands. You can lose a lot of weight using strength training, and gain lean muscle as well. Strength training can be done at home, at the gym, or even outside. There are some things you should know before you start a strength training workout routine. Read on for everything you should know about strength training.

Use Light Weights 

You don't want to use heavy weights that are too heavy for you. You want to use something you can lift for more reps. Hand weights and kettlebells work best for strength training, but you can use a weight bar if you prefer as well. Look up workouts you can do with hand weights and kettlebells. Some you can do include using weights for squats, weights with lunges, and weights with Russian twists for your abs.

Add More Reps

To give you lean muscle, add more reps to your workout routine, not heavier weight. More reps can work out your muscles without bulking your muscle. It can also work out your muscles in a way that allows you to burn fat and calories to give you a leaner body.

Use Your Body's Own Resistance

Use your body's own resistance in working out to help burn more calories and to strengthen your body. Exercises such as planks, lunges, pushups, and even stretching can all strengthen your body using your own body as resistance. This uses your body's own weight as weight, not using hand weights or anything else. You can work out your entire body this way and burn more calories and fat this way.

If you are trying to lose weight and have tried many other things, including cardio, running, playing sports, or you've joined a gym and worked out on the machines there, but nothing is working for you, try strength training instead. Strength training can help you lose the weight you want, and give you a lean figure, as well as a lot of lean muscle. Hire a personal trainer to help you with your weight loss journey and to start you on a strength training routine today. Consult your physician first before you begin any type of weight loss routine or any new workout routine to be sure you are healthy enough to perform this type of workout routine and to monitor your health properly.

To learn more, contact a company like Chris Cohen Fitness.
