Pros And Cons Of Setting Up In The Center Of An Exercise Class

When you attend any type of exercise class, whether it's step aerobics, spinning, or something else, one of the first decisions that you'll need to make is where you want to get set up. If you arrive early, you may have your choice of spaces in the room, whereas late arrivals generally mean that you have to take whatever spot you can get. If you're early and are thinking about situating yourself in the center of the room, here are some pros and cons of this location.

Pro: You Can See More People

Setting up at the front of the class has benefits, but when you're closer to the middle of the room, you can see more people around you. This can be a comfort if you're struggling with a certain movement and want to check what other participants are doing. Turning around from a front-row spot can feel awkward, so from your location in the middle of the room, you can easily glance around you to assess your peers' form.

Con: It Can Be More Difficult To Leave

There may be times that you need to leave the exercise class while it's still going on, whether it's to make a run for the bathroom or to actually pack up and leave early for another engagement. When you're in the middle of the room, leaving can be more of a challenge, especially if the room is packed. In such scenarios, situating yourself closer to the edge of the room near the door may be a better choice.

Pro: You May Have More Space

Depending on the type of exercise class that you're in and how people are situated, you may sometimes have more space when you're in the center of the room. People who are timid will often get set up around the perimeter of the room, but this can mean that they're close to the walls. When you're in the center, you don't have any obstacles around you — and as long as no other participant gets too close to your position, you'll have lots of space to move.

Con: You May Feel More Conspicuous

There's a chance that you may feel more conspicuous taking a spot in the middle of the exercise class than if you were to set up at the back of the room. If you're concerned about your aptitude for the exercises, or perhaps even a little self-conscious about the look of your body, you may slightly feel as though people are watching you when you're in the middle of the room.
